Establishment of the Vietnam Competition Commission

The appointment of the Chairperson and Members of the VCC
Pursuant to Clauses 2 Article 48 of the Law on Competition No. 23/2018/QH14 dated 12 June 2018 of the National Assembly (“Law on Competition”), the Vietnam Competition Commission (“VCC”) shall have no more than 15 members, including the chairman and other members being officials of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, experts and scientists.
Pursuant to Clause 3 of Article 48 of the Law on Competition, members of the VCC shall be appointed or removed from the office by the Prime Minister at the proposal of the Minister of Industry and Trade. The term of office of VCC members shall be five years and may be reappointed.
Based on the proposal of the Minister of Industry and Trade, on 29 March 2023, the Prime Minister promulgated Decision No. 310/QD-TTg on the appointment of the Chairperson of the VCC, and Decisions 311/QD-TTg and 312/QD-TTg on appointment of seven other members of the VCC, pursuant to which, the following individual are appointed as follows:
- Chairperson and member of VCC: Mr. Le Trieu Dung, former Director of Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam, Ministry of Industry and Trade;
- Member of VCC: Mr. Trinh Anh Tuan, Director of Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam, Ministry of Industry and Trade;
- Member of VCC: Mr. Nguyen Anh Son, Director of Legal Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade;
- Member of VCC: Mr. Ngo Duc Minh, Deputy Director of Legal Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade;
- Member of VCC: Mrs. Nguyen Thi Quynh Nga, Deputy Director of Multilateral Trade Policy Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade;
- Member of VCC: Mrs. Le Thi Hoai Thanh, Deputy Director of Department of Civil and Economic Laws, Ministry of Justice;
- Member of VCC: Mrs. Ho Phuong Chi, Deputy Director of Department of Industrial Economy, Ministry of Planning and Investment;
- Member of VCC: Mr. Phan Duc Hieu, standing member of Economic Committee of the National Assembly.
Appointment of the Vice-Chairmen of VCC
Pursuant to Clause 4 Article 3 and Clause 1 Article 4 of Decree 03/2023/ND-CP dated 10 February 2023 providing for the functions, duties, powers, and organisational structure of the VCC, apart from the Chairperson being appointed by the Prime Minister, Several Vice-chairpersons have been appointed based on the proposal of the Chairperson.
According to the information published on VCC’s website, the Minister of Industry and Trade also issued a decision on the appointment of three Vice-chairmen of VCC, including:
- Mrs. Nguyen Quynh Anh – Deputy Head of VCCA, Ministry of Industry and Trade;
- Mr. Ngo Duc Minh – Deputy Director of Legal Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade;
- Mrs. Nguyen Thi Quynh Nga – Deputy Director of Multilateral Trade Policy Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade.
VCC officially starts its operation as from 1 April 2023 when Decree 03/2023/ND-CP dated 10 February 2023 of the Government becomes effective.
For more information, please feel free to contact Etienne Laumonier at: